
Good To Know:


Date Added: 2021-03-08 15:02:24 Language: English
Website: Platform: L2j
Status: Live
Server rates
EXP: 10 SP: 10 DROP: 8
ADENA: 8 Safe enchant: 4 Max enchant: 12
Good to know
GM shop: Yes NPC buffer: Yes Global GK: Yes
Custom zone: No Custom weapon: No Custom armor: No
Offline shop: Yes Other: No
Server Description

x10 - Experience x10- Skill Points x8- Adena x8 - Drop x5 - Spoil x2 - Manor x2 - Recipes Drop/Spoil x2 - Keymats Drop/Spoil x1 - Herbs x3 - Seal Stones x2 - Rate Drop Quest x2 - Rate Quests Adena x3 - Raid Boss Experience x3 - Raid Boss Skill Points x4 - Raid Boss Drop x1 - Epic Bosses Drop Safe Enchant: +4 Max Enchant: +16 Normal Scroll Chance: 52% Blessed Scroll Chance: 58%

Vote History

Not voted yet !